I like it clean, classic and elegant without compromising luxury, finesse and comfortability. Are you ready to find out your new essentials?


Balancing a Classic Homesteading Life While enjoying old-style luxury

I'm here to tell you that I'm setting baby steps everyday towards my dream home and life. I've noticed that living the dream (partly) already makes me more happy than only fantasizing. And I dare you to take on this challenge as well.

For too long have I been to set the first steps towards my dream home. If only I could earn more, if only first I settle this. I bet you too have these procastination reasons. 

I'm on a mission to make dream home ownership more achievable



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About marije

A minimalistic home is not my style- I prefer a warm and cozy atmosphere that pays homage to natural materials and royal aesthetics. Does this resonate with you?

Lover of castles, good wine and tea

Hey Queen

Let's hang

Instagram is my daily outlet



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