My ultimate dream? Owning a castle. It’s however not a goal that’s achieved overnight. I believe dreams are meant to come true and I’m eager to share my process of realizing my dream with you. 

Always on the lookout for the aesthetics that resonate with me, I’m here to share my adventures. Whether it’s discussing technology that doesn’t quite fit the vintage, dreamy ambiance of my home or sharing tips on living the old-money lifestyle, I’m all there to share with you all of my findings.

An aesthetic-loving dreamer on a quest to own a castle

Hey! I''m Marije
I think every girl has dreamt of living in a castle at least once. I'm not content with just dreaming, I'm taking active steps to turn my dream into reality.

A minimalistic home is not my style- I prefer a warm and cozy atmosphere that pays homage to natural materials and royal aesthetics. 

Whenever I visit palaces or other historical buildings across Europe, I can’t help but feel that we’ve lost a wealth of beautiful architecture and interior design in our contemporary minimalistic and futuristic homes. I can’t stop talking about how I love the perfectly curated items I possess, each one offering a myriad of intriguing details upon closer inspection. And if you’ve found your way here, I’m certain you share a similar sentiment.

Modern life abandoned the allure of opulent luxury.



Get To KNow me
My favorite things

I prefer tea over coffee, every single day. It’s the first thing I reach for in the morning and the last thing I enjoy before bed. Can a person drink too much tea? Probably yes however I haven’t found my limit yet!

01. All day, everyday Tea

It’s probably evident, but my lifelong dream is to own a castle. Growing up in Europe, my family and I would spend our summers vacationing in France. Our frequent visits to the abundance of castles there left an deep impression on me as a child and continues to enchant me to this day.  

02. Castles

Somehow the looks of the things we surround ourselves with have changed from abundant to minimalistic. A trend I do not really support. Give me luxury, extravagance and single objects that bring me joy because they are interesting. Craftsmanship over industrialized products every single day.

03. Traditional living

Not only do vintage products add a touch of charm to my home compared to futuristic trinkets, but I also appreciate their potential for sustainability due to their natural composition. Wood? Lovely! Brass? Exquisite! Marble? Absolutely stunning! Bring on more natural materials, I say!

04. Green

If you ever have the pleasure of dining with me, you’d better order two vegetable dishes. I avoid meat because vegetables offer me more energy and delight throughout the day. I’m a foodie at heart, reveling in preparing homemade meals and researching the best dining spots even before I book a hotel. Need I say more?

05. Veggies

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